
Case Study

$17K/mo to $30K/mo in 8 Weeks!

Brooke Elder

Business Architect & Coach For Online Coaches And Experts

FlowChat helped me DOUBLE my revenue and SLASH ad spend at the same time!"

“With FlowChat, I can practice what I preach… blowing the lid off my goals without sacrificing my family!"

“How much would you invest to increase your bottom line by an additional $160,000 per year in less than 8 weeks?"

“Ps… I now encourage ALL of my clients to use FlowChat… if you haven’t seen it in action yet, do yourself a massive favor and book a call!"

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FlowChat Pipeline

Brooke Elder

FlowChat Case Study

Brooke Elder

Executive Summary:

Are you watching too much time and money slip away as you grow your coaching business?

Maybe you're like Brooke was before she started using FlowChat and plugging into the FlowChat Connector community.

Brooke is an experienced Brand & Business Architect who launched her coaching career in 2015.

She was passionate about helping people build step-by-step roadmaps to achieve their goals without sacrificing what’s most important to them, and she quickly built her own business to a consistent $17,000 in monthly revenue.

But through years of honing her brand and maintaining this success, there was one problem…

While she consistently helped clients smash through their goals while protecting their personal priorities, her own priorities were under threat.

🤔 Brooke wanted her business to be personal, but her sales process felt disconnected… She wanted growth, but Facebook ads were gobbling up her margins… She wanted to prioritize her family, but managing her lead flow was stealing too much time…

Something had to give. But how could she connect more with her prospects, streamline her leadflow, and cut back on ad spend… without elbowing out her other priorities?

Enter FlowChat

After learning how to operate the software in her very first session, she set up the system, and within 8 weeks… Brooke had her first $30,000 month!

That’s nearly DOUBLE her recurring revenue before joining FlowChat…

It’s revenue she gets to KEEP, saving thousands of dollars on monthly ad spend…

She’s now able to CONNECT with her prospects on a personal level…

…all while saving precious time for what she treasures most.

Who Is Brooke?
And What Does She Do?

Name: Brooke Elder

Company Name: Social Tenacity

Size of Team: 4

Industries Served: Coaches & Consultants

Super Powers: Strategic Step-by-Step Planning, Coaching & Accountability

Company Revenue Before FlowChat: $200,000 / Year

Projected Company Revenue After FlowChat: $360,000 / Year

What Her Clients Say About Her:

"I signed up 2 new associates and 3 new customers, helped my associates reach Team Lead, and was able to rank advance to Senior Team Lead."

"9 clients this month!! I haven't even gotten to the fancy stuff in this program yet, it's mainly from the mindset shift and just putting myself out there more!"

"Started my group and have almost 400 people and more asking to join because of interactions with other groups I'm interested in... powerful, transformational training!"

The Problem

Brooke was consistently bringing in $17,000 of business each month, but she was also dumping thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) into Facebook advertising.

And all she could do was wait for prospective clients to click through and come to her… depersonalizing her sales process and taking her own foot off the gas pedal.

Worst of all… slow, expensive lead flow was robbing Brooke of her natural confidence. She was passionate about helping coaches build the business of their dreams, and she wasn’t reaching as many people as she knew she could.

She needed to slash her ad spend and find a way to connect with quality leads personally.

This is where we helped revolutionize Brooke’s system.

The Solution

After a short conversation with the FlowChat team, Brooke discovered a whole new approach that would change her business for good.

It put the power of prospecting back into the hands of her team.

It reintroduced the personal touch and connection Brooke wanted in her process.

It gave her the tools and the initiative to build relationships with ideal clients on the way to offering her services.

The method?

Brooke discovered that direct outreach and engagement with quality leads - with great messaging and a few best practices - can be FAR more effective than waiting for opt-ins through paid ads.

The one thing you NEED to make it work?

A systematic way to manage messenger that does not overwhelm you AND doesn't let any of your conversations slip through the cracks.

So here's EXACTLY what we did to help Brooke nail this down...

Since Brooke already had prospects she was itching to connect with, the lowest hanging fruit was to use FlowChat's import feature to bring ALL of her Facebook leads into her account and start connecting with them directly in chat.

It took less than 5 minutes.

Next, we got to know Brooke a little better and helped her build custom messaging to make connections, establish credibility, invite curiosity and encourage 1-on-1 response from these quality leads… all moving toward an offer that was tailored to their specific needs and pain points.

Then we took the messaging and set up her custom FB Book A Call Flow Pipeline.

We were able to accomplish this on the first day.

Once all the messaging was set up correctly, Brooke started running the system, managing EVERY conversation, and booking more calls for herself.

At that point, Brooke had 100% complete control of her prospecting and chat management system - and she was able to chop almost all of the ad spend that was eating up her revenue…

Thanks to FlowChat.

Bonus Multiplier…

The next step for Brooke was even more powerful.

Now that prospecting was back in her control, she was HUNGRY…

And as she and her team searched for ideal clients, they began to realize that finding quality leads was easiest on LinkedIn…

…but response rates were highest through Facebook.

Thanks to the intelligence of our system, she was able to handle the transition with ZERO overwhelm… importing leads from LinkedIn, then reaching out on Facebook.

She was able to leverage the power of both platforms in one intuitive space, without any clutter, overwhelm or duplicate records.

Brooke accomplished her entire buildout using FlowChat in her first week.

Then she dedicated herself to using the system daily.

And YES... she found massive results doing things this way, but there was another transformation she wasn’t expecting…

The amount of time she spent running her prior sales system dropped from 3-4 hours per day to roughly 1 hour per day with FlowChat.

This was an immediate 15 hours per week that she could re-invest into getting her clients even better results, with extra time left over to focus on her family and other passions.

And for Brooke, that’s what it was all about in the first place.

The Results

Company Revenue Before FlowChat:
$200,000 / Year

Projected Company Revenue After FlowChat:
$360,000 / Year

Method of Acquisition: Direct Engagement > DMs > Call > Sale

This was a game-changer for Brooke’s team. They no longer had to rely solely on expensive ads - now they could actively prospect, cherry-picking quality leads and engaging directly through brand-tailored messaging.

Nearly 2x recurring revenue.
15 hours per week gained.
Regained her POWER and CONFIDENCE.
Put PERSONAL CONNECTION back at the center of her business.

The Future

Now that she has a fully optimized and winning system she has a couple of options.

First option is for her to hold this position.

She can simply continue running her business with ultra efficiency and continue CRUSHING multiple 7 figures.

Most never get this far.

It's a MASSIVE achievement.

This is why inside of our FlowChat community we have a 6-figure club, a 7-figure club, and an 8-figure club.


She can build a team & scale to 8 figures+.

It's all dependent on what she wants to do.

Knowing her, I would say that option 2 is more appealing because she has an insatiable hunger to continue helping others create premium brands and growing their businesses.

We're grateful to have Brooke as a FlowChat Connector and pleased to have witnessed the success she created for herself using FlowChat, our community, and our resources.


Perhaps you connect with Brooke's story.
Perhaps you are in a similar place with your business.
Perhaps you are just doing research to see if FlowChat is really for you.

Whatever the case, know that we are here...
...and ready to support you.

As you can see, Brooke is a mega success story.
We have dozens more.

And while you've read through this case study I have to ask...

What's next for you?

I would say you have 2 options:


You can do nothing.

However, you're not gonna forget about this case story, and it'll probably keep you up at night.

OPTION 2 FlowChat

Start your winning journey as our newest FlowChat Connector.

If you already know the software is for you and you want to get started, grab your membership right now.

If you haven't had the chance to connect on a call with our team, then book a call by clicking here.

Connect With Brooke:

Brooke Elder

We believe in Brooke.
We believe in what she does.

If you're wanting to learn more about her services, here's the best way to reach her:


Disclaimer: While these are real clients reporting real impact, their results are not typical. We cannot guarantee your own results will be similar in any way. We're proud of our clients' exceptional success, but we emphasize that business outcomes vary based on many factors. Our software, trainings and strategies do not ensure demand for your product or service, nor replace the effort and action necessary for growth.

Chat with one of our pipeline specialists... Click here

Disclaimer: FlowChat has no affiliation with any social networking websites, all copyrights belong to their respective owners. No official endorsements or sponsorships of FlowChat.com or the FlowChat chrome extension are expressed or implied. The content of the chrome extension is not provided or reviewed by any social networking website provider.